Republican Trolls – They send my mind in strange directions
Posted on : 08-08-2013 | By : Guest Blogger | In : George Bush, GOP, Stuff that makes me Crazy
Tags: 9/11, FOX News, LadyLiberal, President Obama
Guest post by Brenda Cornwell
Trolls. They send my mind in strange directions.
In response to my recent post on Lady Liberals of the infamous August 6th, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing, one “critical thinker” asked “what was Bush supposed to do? Ground all airplanes?”
So as my mind began to formulate a witty, yet perfectly demeaning comment, I came up with this little scenario:
Let’s take a trip in the Lady Liberal’s Way-Back machine to April 10th, 2004. Our Way-Back machine doesn’t work very well (YOU try and find someone who can repair a Way-Back machine!) So when we go back in time, things get a little mixed up to say the least. In this trip, we find the U.S. post-9/11…and here’s the part that got mixed up…the President is Barack Obama.
Let’s listen in to the conversation on Fake News and Outrage & Friends with the three perky, blonde bombshell commentators (yeah, that part got mixed up as well!):
Brenda: Breaking news! We were just handed a declassified document that was hand-delivered to President Barack Obama on August 6, 2001. The title of the Presidential Daily Briefing is “Bin Laden Determined to Attack in the US.”
This is shocking I say. Absolutely shocking! And Mindy, you know where the President was when people were desperately trying to get his attention focused on terrorism? An imminent threat is looming and where was the President of the United States? Let me tell you where he was…he was on VACATION!
Mindy: Shameful, absolutely disgusting. I agree completely. This is an outrage. Where was this President? He was on vacation on the tax payer’s dime. He couldn’t be bothered to fly back to Washington and deal with this warning! This is an unimaginable failure! This is beyond the pale. Over 3,000 Americans died on 9/11 and now we find out the President was TOLD it was going to happen!
Carla: I’m reading directly from the PDB now: ‘FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.’ And they told us…and I quote the National Security Advisor here: “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center”
Mindy: OMG! Who could have imagined? Apparently someone could imagine it! Are these people insane?
Brenda: They knew that Al Qaida operatives were in the United States and this administration did nothing? NOTHING!
Carla: And there is a report out there that President Obama’s reaction…this is stunning folks, I hope you are sitting down…President Obama’s response to this PDB was ‘All right. You’ve covered your ass now.’
Mindy: I am just sick to my stomach at the inability of this President to keep this country safe. 3,000 lives lost because of incompetence. Congress will be starting impeachment hearings soon, count on it.
Carla: Impeachment? He should be tried for treason. We will be right back with more on this breaking news story, stay with us folks. It’s going to get a lot worse for this ridiculous excuse of a leader.
Of course none of that happened now did it? But I think you get the picture. Go ahead…someone…tell me to “get over it.”
Thanks you Brenda, I'm not going to get over it either.