I’m disappointed in Democrats, and you should be too!
Posted on : 16-11-2014 | By : vlramirez | In : Alison Lundergan Grimes, GOP, President Obama
Tags: Alison Lundergan Grimes, GOP, People with Common Sense, President Obama, Republican Congress, Republican lies, Tea Party
It’s been almost 2 weeks since the mid-term elections, and I’ve taken that time to figure out what could have possibly happened and who dissapointed me the most.
What I’ve discovered is that I’m irratated at a number of different segments of the Democatic Party on different levels.
Democratic Candidates:
Alison Lundergan Grimes was the worst offender (I might have voted against her myself had I lived in Kentucy), but most, if not all of the Democratic candidates were a huge disappointment.
- Why did the Democrats run away from the huge accomplishments the democrats have achieved over the past 6 years?
- Why did the Democrats not stand proudly with our President?
- Why did the Democrats not tell the country what the Democrats stand for?
- Why did the Democrats not make it clear that it’s the Republicans that have been STOPPING all of the Democratic legislation that would have made life a lot better for the Middle Class?
- Why did the Democrats not make it clear that the Republicans vote again and again for policies that TAKE AWAY RIGHTS and FAVOR THE 1%?
Where would we be now if they had?
Apparently these candidates don’t realize how disloyal the voters think they are.
Hey Democratic Candidates and Democratic members of Congress, when a reporter asks you a question, speak from your heart, no matter where you fall on an issue. We want honest politicians, not people who speak and vote always with a calculation in thier head of what will happen in the next election based on what they say or how they vote. SPEAK and VOTE with integrity and heart. That’s what Democratic voters want. We expect better than that.
Women Voters:
What can I say about the Women voters? Regardless if you are a Democrat or a Republican, you have allowed the Republicans to continue the War on Women. Our reproductive rights are being systematically taken away state after state and we have missed a huge opportunity to make our voices heard. Even if we couldn’t vote these neanderthal self rightous white men out of office, we have the power to make the races close enough to scare than straight.
What is one of the first bills put forward in the House of Representatives every session? A bill banning Abortion. Women have it in their power to completely change the Congress every 2 years, and the way this country is funtioning, but we don’t step up.
What are we thinking?
Minority Voters:
I know how disallusioned some of you must be by the lack of progress being made to make your lives better, but you have to understand why progress isn’t happening. The Republicans are the ones taking away Women’s rights, Voters rights and obstructing bills in Congress that the Democratic Party have put forth to create jobs, raise the minumum wage and generally make life better for the Middle Class.
But what was the result of the election?
Minority votes took out their frustration by not voting. This tactic doesn’t solve anything. In fact, by not voting, you just made your own lives WORSE. The obstruciton will now continue by the Republicans unabated.
Minority voters had the power, even in the deep south Red states to take over both Houses of Congress. You had real change in the palm of your hands and chose to turn your back on President Obama and the Democratic Party.
YOUR VOTE is the only power you have to change things for the better. NOT voting silences you completely.
The Democratic Base:
I’m hoping that this is the one segment of the Democratic Party that voted in the mid-terms, I know I did. How do we turn this around? How do we energize the Women and Minority voters?
Now What?
For the next 2 years we have to suck it up and let the Republicans be Republicans. Hopefully they will wield thier power into a total melt down. They are drunk with power, we have given them the rope, now we wait for them to hang themselves. They may give us lip service, but they will never vote against the nastiness of their hearts.
dems behaved exactly as all victims of bullying, they allowed gop bullies to define them & project all blame for GOP created nongovernance on them without bullying back & making huge progressive demands they ought to have made:to expand ss, to end tax exempt status of churches, to require ginormous insurance premiums on all gun owners, to make election day a federal holiday, to end gerrymandering, to end citizens United, to end lifetime SCOTUS tenure. our country is ruined and being manipulated to create a guided class and and underclass to feed our prison system. We were at the last point where we could reverse GOP America destroying policy, now we have to rely on revolt & revolution & this plays right into GOP plan.