Defending Hillary Rosen
Posted on : 13-04-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : Hillary Rosen, People with Common Sense
Tags: Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper 360, Anne Romney, Bay Buchanan, CNN, Hillary Rosen, People with Common Sense
I think this whole thing has been blown up by the Republicans and has been taken out of context.
Hillary was absolutely right, Anne Romney has no life experience to relate to 99% of American women, so it’s a stretch that she would have valuable advice to give her husband on this subject of the War on Women.
I think millions of women would love to be able to stay home and raise their children full time like Anne Romney. Anne Romney stated that she had made the career choice to stay home with her children, but most American women don’t have the luxury of having a choice. Anne Romney can’t relate to women that are forced to bring in a second income, or single mothers who are forced to work to support their children.
Here is the point I want to make. Anne Romney is one of the very few (1%) of women in this country that always has a choice. No matter what she does, in everything, absolutely everything, she has the luxury of a choice.
I believe that this was the point that Hillary Rosen was trying to make, that’s how I took her statement, and I agree.
I must say that I’m a little disappointed in President Obama on this. I’m not sure why this issue as been turned into a debate on the value of stay at home moms. I think he played right into the Republicans hands and he appeared to me to be pandering a bit to stay at home moms.
President Obama said that we should not bring spouses into the campaign. Hello! Mitt Romney is the one bringing his wife into the campaign, he’s quoting her in his stump speeches as his adviser on the War on Women. I’ve never seen a woman less equipped to advise anyone on the plight of the average American women.
I’m just disappointed that the leaders of the Democratic Party didn’t stand up for Hillary Rosen. She has worked tirelessly for the Democratic party and their agenda.
I never though I’d say this, but I was proud of Republican Bay Buchanan tonight for defending Hillary and her statements.
Finally someone is bringing up the “difference” between 2 “types” of “Jobs” – (if one insists on calling motherhood a “job” – I call it a “labor of love ” that happens to include “Hard work” . But! it doesn’t require having to please a boss at the risk of losing a much needed job – for a possibly perceived “infraction” by a narcisstic boss. OR – the stress of a company closing down to send work overseas – and a mother losing a much needed job – and I could go on and on with reasons why the two Jobs are different. I have done both jobs (raised 4 children” – I basically never had to fear for “bread and butter ” for my kids, (thankfully!) – but I know many who HAVE had to fear that – and the stress that goes with that. So When Rosen said what she did – I was sure that was what she meant. I keep wondering why noone has brought that up. Thanks for SOME “common sense” !