It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute.
Posted on : 02-03-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : Rush Linbaugh
Tags: Chris Mathews, Ed Schultz, Hardball, MSNBC, Richard Steel, Rush Limbaugh, Sandra Fluke, Steve McMahon, The Ed Show, The View, Women's rights
Sandra Fluke, third year Georgetown law student. testified at the Democrats hearing on contraception.
Rush Limbaugh reaction to the Sandra Fluke testimony.
Chris Mathews, anchor of MSNBC’s Hardball shows a small snipit (a few seconds is about all we can take of Rush) of Rush Limbaugh reacting to the testimony of Sandra (he says Susan, nice research Rush!).
Why is this man still on the air waves? Who pays for advertising on his show? Go to to find out what companies are supporting this ignorant man who thinks a woman needs to take a birth control pill each time she has sex.